
Double the efficiency of your quality team with our quality agent

There is always so much to do and never enough time when it comes to quality. Test management, supplier DD, qualifying raw materials. Our quality agent works 24/7 to bring your quality standards to a whole new level.

Automatically run due diligence on your suppliers and raw materials

If you are like most ingredient/chemical providers we work with today, your process looks something like this. Every time you onboard a new raw material or a new supplier, you send them the dreaded onboarding questionnaire. Painful for them, painful for you. This maintenance of documentation isn't just initially but also on an ongoing basis, all documentation and data has to be continuously checked to ensure you have everything you need. There's a better way.

Our quality agent will continuously chase suppliers to ensure that they have met the full qualification criteria. They will automatically complete your due diligence process by collecting all required documents. It will also keep your existing documentation up to date without you having to do anything. It also never switches off, making it the perfect person for a job which let's face it, can require a bit of chasing!

Automatic data extraction removing painstaking manual copying

Even when you've collected all the documents you need, combing through it to find out what's relevant is the next half of the battle. Guess what? We can automate that as well.

Our AI extraction tools will extract all your data to create a structured single source of truth. Screen against any parameters in your due diligence process and in your new product development.No more manually filling out fields, simply add your documents and run the extraction automatically.

Testing management

We see a lot of chemical providers still running testing in excel which is incredibly challenging.

Ensure your products meet specification with our built in testing module. Use our customisation tools to create the testing parameters that you use within your business.

Ready to see how Worldover's automation can supercharge your chemicals business?

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